Anhydrous milk fat

Anhydrous milk fat (AMF) is a dairy product that is obtained by removing the water and non-fat solids from milk. It is essentially the pure butterfat extracted from milk, with a minimum milk fat content of 99.8%. AMF is commonly used in the food industry for its unique properties and versatility. It has a rich, creamy flavor and a smooth texture, making it an ideal ingredient for various applications such as baking, confectionery, ice cream, and sauces.


Anhydrous milk fat (AMF) is a dairy product that is obtained by removing the water and non-fat solids from milk. It is essentially the pure butterfat extracted from milk, with a minimum milk fat content of 99.8%. AMF is commonly used in the food industry for its unique properties and versatility. It has a rich, creamy flavor and a smooth texture, making it an ideal ingredient for various applications such as baking, confectionery, ice cream, and sauces.

AMF also has a high smoke point, which makes it suitable for frying and deep-frying purposes. Due to its low moisture content, AMF has a longer shelf life compared to regular butter. It is often used as a substitute for butter or oil in recipes to enhance flavor and improve texture.

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